SHARE's Purpose Statement
SHARE strives to foster a safe, respectful, inclusive and supportive campus through interpersonal violence prevention efforts and by supporting survivors. As advocates, we help to empower survivors and co-survivors through accessible, trauma-informed, survivor-centered and culturally relevant services, from individual to systematic levels. Our prevention work emphasizes the intersectionality between oppression and violence and uses multifaceted pedagogical approaches, such as: peer-facilitated education, skills-based development of mindful allyship, bystander intervention, and promotion of healthy and respectful relationships.
Our Shared Values
We center and honor the journeys survivors of violence, abuse and harm embark upon and aspire to be a resource that fosters healing for survivors and co-survivors.
We acknowledge the shared and diverse values, customs, traditions, identities of our Princeton community and aim to work in partnership with those who seek to help us make progress toward our mission.
We promote safety, positive mental health, supportive relationships, and respectful interactions in order to uplift the holistic (emotional, physical, social, and spiritual) wellbeing of all people.
We uplift survivor’s individual choice, power, and decision-making, recognizing that through (re)empowerment, or reclaiming a sense of control, survivors can experience healing and begin to thrive.
When possible, we commit to sharing openly with our community about our efforts, challenges, successes, values and goals. (Given our confidential services, we acknowledge full information sharing isn’t feasible, but commit to the highest level of transparency allowed within our roles.)
We are dedicated to holding ourselves (and others) accountable to our community, to survivors, our mission, and values. We will acknowledge missteps and work to improve ourselves as individual members of this community as well as the collective efforts of our office.
We understand agency to mean having the capacity to exert power in interpersonal relationships or systems, and strive to enhance individual and collective agency by reducing barriers, providing accurate information, and promoting skill-building.
We believe it is essential to take an active role in the preservation of our health, happiness, and wellbeing and to promote said preservation of others. Per Audre Lorde (1988) "...Caring for myself is not self-indulgence, it is self-preservation, and that is an act of political warfare."
We believe in taking direct vigorous action to both prevent violence, and ensure those affected by it have access to safety and healing.
Through our advocacy efforts we strive to assist individuals in their pursuit of supportive measures and resources, and to bring about systemic change that improves policy, procedures, and structures toward a more respectful and inclusive campus climate.
We are committed to providing relevant services, referrals and education to our campus, based upon individual and/or collective needs. And to that end, we commit to continual reflexive work, at being better allies, advocates, change agents and support persons to/for survivors and co-survivors alike.