Quick Tips When Helping Survivors
Supportive Measures |
Common Harmful Mishaps |
Practice self-care. Believe the survivor. Acknowledge their bravery in disclosing/sharing. Actively listen, support and express care. |
Judgement and asking a lot of questions, especially "Why?" "Is that what really happened?" "Why didn't you tell me earlier?" "Are you okay?" "Why did (or didn't you...)?" |
Offer/remind survivor of options, resources. Be honest about how you can help, including mandated reporting. |
Explicit & implicit blame. Cold or doubtful demeanor. |
Allow moments of silence. Be patient. Validate their feelings and experiences. Remember trauma-informed response, STE-CCC: safety, trust, empowerment, choice, collaboration & cultural relevance |
Making excuses for the perpetrator or the harmful incident(s). Physical contact (hugs, shoulder touch/rub) without consent. |
Consider these phrases (RAINN, 2016): "I'm sorry this happened to you." "It's not your fault." "I believe you." "You are not alone." |
Minimizing the survivor's feelings and experiences. Telling the survivor what they must or should do, or what you would do. |
(RAINN, 2016; NRCJIW, 2014; SAMHSA, 2014)