The purpose of the SHARE Peer Program is to:
- Plan activities, programs, and events to raise awareness on campus about sexual harassment, sexual assault, domestic/dating violence and stalking
- Facilitate evidence-based primary prevention workshops (e.g., bystander intervention, healthy relationship education)
- Facilitate access to SHARE and other campus resources
- Serve as the liaisons between the student body and the SHARE office to convey concerns, needs or issues pertaining to sexual harassment, sexual assault, domestic/dating violence and stalking
Types of Membership
Full Member
Each Full Member will serve as spokespersons, student mentors, and referral agents for the SHARE office. Supervised by SHARE staff, the SHARE Peers provide workshops and programming to empower students with healthy relationship skills and to promote active bystander behavior. They can support students on campus who are experiencing unhealthy relationships or other SHARE-related issues by offering peer support, discussing resources, and accompanying students to meetings for support. SHARE Peers are designated as private resources on campus; this means they are not required to report SHARE-related disclosures to Title IX, but are required to check in with confidential SHARE staff when they receive disclosures. This process helps ensure self-care for the SHARE Peers, assists them with information to share with the student and with connecting the student to SHARE or other campus resources. SHARE Peers are not confidential and as such, are subject to legal subpoenas and university investigation processes, if applicable. For more information about confidential, private and non-confidential resources, visit our Resources page or contact us directly via email or phone.
Students at Princeton who are interested in becoming a SHARE peer must:
- Maintain a minimum 2.75 GPA
- Have a clear judicial history with no sanctions of probation or higher
- Attend weekly meetings (day and time are designated by the group each semester)
- Participate in the planning and implementation of Domestic Violence (October) and Sexual Assault Awareness Month (April) events/programs/activities
- Serve as a resource to residential college zee groups
- Attend trainings: 4 days during freshmen orientation
- Provide student support by staffing the UMatter bus for one shift on a Thursday, Friday, or Saturday night per semester (co-staffed by Peer Health Advisers)
Applying to Be a Peer
2025-2026 SHARE Peer Application coming soon! To stay up to date with the application process, dates, and deadlines, please email the [email protected] account to be added to our Allied Membership listserv.
The recruitment and application process for the SHARE Peer program involves several phases which begin in January and end in May.
Phase I: Recruitment (Late January through early February)
During this phase, the application form is published and made available to all interested Princeton graduate and undergraduate students. Current SHARE Peers promote the application through various virtual and in-person platforms, including meet-and-greet opportunities and information sessions. By ensuring the widespread distribution of our application and increasing transparency of the process, we aim to reach students across campus, including students from marginalized and underrepresented groups. Applications are open from January 19th through February 23rd.
Phase II: Initial Review (late February through early March)
Once applications close, applicants are assigned random numbers and their applications are redacted of any personally identifying information (including name, affiliations, etc.). Current SHARE Peers are asked to recuse themselves from reviewing any applications where they may be biased (for example, reviewing a roommate, teammate, or acquaintance).
Applicants are assessed on a set of skills and competencies that align with and help to promote SHARE’s values (respect, healthy communication, empathy, violence prevention, etc.). The SHARE Peers use a scoring rubric in order to review applications in a fashion that is as fair and uniform as possible. Two peers review each application and enter two separate scores into a spreadsheet that are then averaged. When discrepancies are observed between the scores given by the two peer reviewers, then the application is subjected to further review. Applicants with scores in the top three quartiles advance to the next phase while applicants with scores in the bottom quartile are informed that they will not be moving forward in the process.
Phase III: Peer Interview (late March)
Each applicant that progresses to this phase interviews with two current SHARE Peers. Similar to the application review, the Peers use a scoring rubric to guide their assessment of applicants’ skills and competencies demonstrated in the interview. Each Peer enters the applicants’ scores into a spreadsheet.
Phase IV: Staff Review (early April)
In this phase, SHARE staff members interview each finalist, review the results of their disciplinary history, and invite Assistant Deans of Student Life to provide feedback on their candidacy. Once finalists clear this review process, SHARE staff present their scoring and feedback to the SHARE Peer Leadership Team for their final approval.
Phase V: Final Offer (late April through early May)
The SHARE office will contact all applicants and inform them if their application has been accepted or not at this time. Once all finalists have communicated their decision to accept or decline the invitation to become a SHARE Peer, the SHARE office will make a formal announcement welcoming the incoming cohort of SHARE Peers to the full membership of current SHARE Peers.
Allied Member
Are you unable to make that kind of commitment but still interested in being involved with SHARE? Check out Allied Membership for more details on how to apply to be an AM.
Feedback Form
SHARE Peers subscribe to common values, competencies and a code of conduct. As such, the SHARE staff welcomes any feedback, including affirming feedback, you would like to share regarding your experiences with SHARE Peers. To do so, please complete our anonymous form.
Equal Opportunity Organization
The SHARE Peer Program does not discriminate against any applicant based upon age, disability, ethnic origin, gender, gender identity and expression, marital status, national origin, parental status, physical appearance, race, religion, sexual orientation or veteran status.