Options for Responding to Interpersonal Violence

Everyone’s experience to interpersonal violence is unique. Tuning in to what you want may determine which action steps if any, you choose to take.

The following page lays out the options available to Princeton University students. Please keep in mind the information below as you review the options.

What can I do?

Find out what options are available if you are being harassed, stalked, have experienced domestic/dating violence, or have been sexually assaulted.

I want to ensure my physical and emotional safety

What can I do if...

I need help to cope with my experience?

What can I do if...

I need a security escort home or across campus when buses are not in service?

What can I do if...

I need a safe place to sleep?

What can I do if...

I need a new place to live?


What can I do if...

I need a No Contact Order?

What can I do if...

I need to change classes or have a deadline extension to deal with the situation?

I want to understand my options so I can make informed decisions about next steps

I want to get medical treatment

I want forensic evidence collected

I want to take legal action

On Princeton Campus

Criminal Process

File a police report to initiate the criminal process and if forensic evidence was collected, give consent to authorize the release of the evidence.  The prosecutor's office with jurisdiction will lead the investigation.  A plea offer or trial (that may include jail time) may result.

Beyond Princeton Campus


Civil Court Process

Contact an attorney for more information on filing a civil lawsuit for financial remedies.


Collecting Forensic Evidence

Sexual Assault Response Team (SART) Activation Process

Forensic evidence can be collected by a Sexual Assualt Nurse Examiner (SANE) at a local hospital within 5 days of the incident.  A SHARE and/or Womanspace advocate can accompany you.  There is no cost for the forensic examination and no bill should be generated.  Evidence can only be analyzed if you decide to file a police report to pursue criminal charges against the offender within 5 years of the incident.  

I want to take disciplinary action

Investigation and Disciplinary Process

At the direction of the Title IX Coordinator, an investigative panel comprised of University administrators and/or external investigators conducts interviews and gathers evidence. The panel, by a majority decision, determines whether the Sex Discrimination and Sexual Misconduct Policy (RRR 1.9) has been violated.  A SHARE advocate can provide support and an adviser of the student's choice can accompany the student during the process.  Where a student is found responsible for violations of the Sex Discrimination and Sexual Misconduct Policy, sanctions will be imposed.

Additional Information

If you prefer not to talk to anyone at the University, but still wish to speak to someone about your options, You can call Womanspace, Inc.