Everyone’s experience to interpersonal violence is unique. Tuning in to what you want may determine which action steps if any, you choose to take.
The following page lays out the options available to Princeton University students. Please keep in mind the information below as you review the options.
What can I do?
Find out what options are available if you are being harassed, stalked, have experienced domestic/dating violence, or have been sexually assaulted.
I want to ensure my physical and emotional safety
What can I do if...
I need help to cope with my experience?
CPS provides a full range of time-limited mental health services, including clinical assessments, individual and group psychotherapy, psychopharmacological treatment, referrals to treatment providers in the community, urgent-care assessment, and crisis intervention.
Phone: 609-258-3141
Location: McCosh Health Center, 3rd Floor
What can I do if...
I need a security escort home or across campus when buses are not in service?
DPS provides services to ensure safety and transport to the hospital for SART activation, or the courthouse for a Temporary Restraining Order, obtain a persona non grata and commence an investigation.
Available 24/7, 365 days a year.
Emergencies: 911 from campus location
Nonemergencies/off-campus calls: (609) 258-1000
Location: 200 Elm Drive
What can I do if...
I need a safe place to sleep?
Urgent Care, Sexual Health & Wellness and Infirmary. A clinician can perform a physical exam to check for injuries, provide emergency contraception, STI testing and treatment of HIV testing.
What can I do if...
I need a new place to live?
What can I do if...
I need a No Contact Order?
The ADSL assigned to each residential college can assist if you are interested in pursuing a No Contact or No Communication Order. The ADSL can also assist with temporary or long-term housing for safety purposes. RCAs report to ADSLs when they receive Title IX related disclosures.
Phone: 609-258-5750
What can I do if...
I need to change classes or have a deadline extension to deal with the situation?
The Assistant Dean for Studies can assist undergraduate students in obtaining academic accommodations and makes referrals to other campus resources.
I want to understand my options so I can make informed decisions about next steps
SHARE Peers are supportive and trained student liaisons to the SHARE office who can help get you connected to resources. They are private resources who check in with confidential SHARE staff when they receive disclosures, but are not mandated to report disclosures to TItle IX or other university staff. SHARE Peers do not have legal or licensure protections and as such can be subject to subpoena. SHARE Peers contact information is available on the SHARE Peers page of the website.
We are a survivor-centered, trauma-informed and confidential resource on campus for the Princeton University community. We provide crisis response, support, short-term counseling, advocacy, education, and referral services to those who are dealing with incidents of interpersonal violence and abuse including sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating/domestic violence, and stalking.
Phone: 609-258-3310
Location: McCosh Health Center, G14 (Garden/Basement level)
The Office of Religious Life Chaplains (ORL) has confidential counselors, from multi-religious ideologies, who can provide spiritual and religious support for victims/survivors and can connect them to resources from the tradition(s) of their choice, to promote healing and empowerment.
Phone: 609-258-3047
Location: Murray-Dodge Hall
CPS provides a full range of time-limited mental health services, including clinical assessments, individual and group psychotherapy, psychopharmacological treatment, referrals to treatment providers in the community, urgent-care assessment, and crisis intervention.
Phone: 609-258-3141
Location: McCosh Health Center, 3rd Floor
I want to get medical treatment
Urgent Care, Sexual Health & Wellness and Infirmary. A clinician can perform a physical exam to check for injuries, provide emergency contraception, STI testing and treatment of HIV testing.
I want forensic evidence collected
Forensic evidence can be collected by a Forensic Nurse Examiner (FNE) at a local hospital within 5 days of an assault. A SHARE and/or Womanspace advocate can accompany you. There is no cost for the forensic examination and no bill should be generated. Evidence can only be analyzed if you decide to file a police report to pursue criminal charges against the offender within 5 years of the assault. If you are considering evidence collection, please avoid bathing or showering, using douche, eating, drinking, smoking, urinating, brushing your teeth, gargling, or anything else that could destroy or wash away evidence. After the completion of the examination, medications that can prevent sexually transmitted infections and pregnancy may be administered at no cost, when needed.
Can be activated by contacting:
- Womanspace: 609-394-9000
- Princeton Police: 609-921-2100 (calls will likely result in police involvement)
- Department of Public Safety: 609-258-1000 (calls will likely result in police involvement)
Or going to an emergency room:
I want to take legal action
On Princeton Campus
DPS provides services to ensure safety and transport to the hospital for SART activation, or the courthouse for a Temporary Restraining Order, obtain a persona non grata and commence an investigation.
Available 24/7, 365 days a year.
Emergencies: 911 from campus location
Nonemergencies/off-campus calls: (609) 258-1000
Location: 200 Elm Drive
Criminal Process
File a police report to initiate the criminal process and if forensic evidence was collected, give consent to authorize the release of the evidence. The prosecutor's office with jurisdiction will lead the investigation. A plea offer or trial (that may include jail time) may result.
Beyond Princeton Campus
Princeton police provide services to ensure safety and can assist with access to the legal process for incidents currently in progress or happening off-campus, and are available 24 hours.
Phone: 609-921-2100
Location: 1 Valley Road Princeton, NJ 08540
Civil Court Process
Contact an attorney for more information on filing a civil lawsuit for financial remedies.
Collecting Forensic Evidence
Sexual Assault Response Team (SART) Activation Process
Forensic evidence can be collected by a Sexual Assualt Nurse Examiner (SANE) at a local hospital within 5 days of the incident. A SHARE and/or Womanspace advocate can accompany you. There is no cost for the forensic examination and no bill should be generated. Evidence can only be analyzed if you decide to file a police report to pursue criminal charges against the offender within 5 years of the incident.
I want to take disciplinary action
The Office of Gender Equity and Title IX Administration provides information to students, faculty, and staff regarding resources and options related to sexual misconduct, including providing assistance in obtaining supportive measures. The Office of Gender Equity and Title IX Administration also conducts investigations related to sexual misconduct, and is committed to investigating and adjudicating sexual misconduct matters in a manner that is fair and equitable to all parties involved. In addition, the Office of Gender Equity and Title IX Administration facilitates alternative resolution processes, oversees University policies and processes related to sexual misconduct, and develops and provides trainings related to preventing sexual misconduct. The staff is composed of members of the Office of the Provost.
Phone: 609-258-6110
Location: 201 Nassau Street, Suite 21
Investigation and Disciplinary Process
At the direction of the Title IX Coordinator, an investigative panel comprised of University administrators and/or external investigators conducts interviews and gathers evidence. The panel, by a majority decision, determines whether the Sex Discrimination and Sexual Misconduct Policy (RRR 1.9) has been violated. A SHARE advocate can provide support and an adviser of the student's choice can accompany the student during the process. Where a student is found responsible for violations of the Sex Discrimination and Sexual Misconduct Policy, sanctions will be imposed.
Additional Information
Confidential resources are not obligated to report information that is given to them. This allows the client to explore his or her options in a non-pressure environment in order to make informed decisions. The only exceptions to this rule are in cases that involve imminent risk of serious harm, emergent hospitalization, or court order. While specific information is kept confidential, non-identifying information is collected for statistical purposes as per the Clery Act.
Non-Confidential Resources are required by law to report these incidents/violations and take legal, disciplinary, or other action accordingly.
Located in McCosh Health Center, SHARE is a confidential resource that is available to you at any point in this process. SHARE advocates may assist with accessing any of the resources on or off-campus.
Non-confidential resources on campus that can provide information and support are:
Carl A. Fields Center for Equality and Cultural Understanding, Davis International Center, and Residential College Advisers (RCA).
The University does not tolerate sex discrimination or sexual misconduct, including sexual harassment, sexual assault, stalking, and intimate partner violence. Information about the University's Title IX Coordinator, sexual misconduct investigations and disciplinary procedures, and the provision of interim measures (e.g, academic or housing accommodations), can be accessed at RRR 1.9 or online at sexualmisconduct.princeton.edu.
If you were under the influence of alcohol or other drugs at the time of the incident, even if you are under the age of 21, you will NOT be charged with an offense relating to using or serving alcohol or using drugs by Princeton University, DPS or Princeton Municipal Police.
If you prefer not to talk to anyone at the University, but still wish to speak to someone about your options, You can call Womanspace, Inc.
Womanspace is our community-based organization that specializes in emergency response and treatment for survivors. They provide: a 24-hour, confidential hotline; advocates and professionals to facilitate SART activation; access to legal resources; and individual and group counseling. Womanspace provides specialized, individual and group counseling for a sliding scale fee, and also offers a shelter for survivors of domestic violence.